Date: 1st – 10th October 2012 – Durban, Florida Road

Why did they call me:
They didn’t. They prayed.
My husband and I were booked for a “date night” and went to the Sneddon Theatre at UKZN for the show. When we arrived, we were an hour early, and so I decided that I really wanted frozen yogurt… so, we drove all the way across the Berea to Florida road and bought ourselves some. As we drove up Florida road I saw a big juicy rack of ribs in front of me and smelled the smell of cooked meat, my head turned to the left and I saw at the back of a car park – a rib joint. I looked and Francis and said “we have to go there after the show” and he agreed. Which was strange, because after getting food poisoning at another of these same joint stores; we vowed to never return.
We watched the show, and then started the long trek back to that side of the Berea again.
We arrived at the 100 year old building and walked upstairs I sat down and started to look around.

I was suddenly filled with an urgent need to know the history of the house. I called our waiter and asked her to tell me the history of the homestead. She looked as if I had struck her in the face. She backed off from me in a fearful manner and ran down the stairs…
A minute or two later a white woman ‘A’ the manager, walked up to us and sat down. She was very nervous and kept looking at me sideways. She told us that the night before she had sat up until very early the next morning researching the building’s history. As she spoke I suddenly felt an intense pressure on my upper back, with extreme nausea and pain in my right gut below my ribcage, I felt pressure around my neck and “felt” rather than “heard” the words “GO AWAY!!” my eyes filled with tears and I heaved forward. The manager’s eyes grew bigger and she said “What is going on!?” I said “Something does NOT want me here!! Wow! Go away in the name of Jesus!”

I then asked the Manager if I could place my Cell phone on the table to record sound, I felt that I needed to do so. She looked at me as if she was seeing a ghost, and said:
“We knew you were coming”

It was then my turn to look shocked.

The night before, the Christian staff members had stood around and prayed together: because of a spirit entity that was making life and work unbearable. They decided that A the manager would research the house, and that if God didn’t send someone soon they would start looking for a spirit medium.

The spirit entity was only on the top floor, the name MARY was often heard or “felt” by staff members. There had been incidents in the toilet where women felt exposed and vulnerable, and a woman had seen a reflection of a woman outside the second storey window through the mirror.

We prayed with the staff after our meal (after the restaurant closed at 11pm) and left, I was meant to return a week later and do a clearing out of the building.

MARY: When I got home, I opened google.com and searched for the house address. I saw nothing of great interest and went over to google images. My eye was drawn to a pencil drawing of a man and woman in an embrace. I clicked on it and opened the page, the woman’s name was Lady Mary Christian. She had lived for a time, in a house in Florida road.

Here was just ONE of the excerpts that showed this Mary character to be a bit strange – spiritually speaking:
Circles on the ceiling
Ovals on the ceiling
The female dressed in period dress circa 1900 – 1940’s, hair in a bun, loose fitted cuff sleeves looking out of the window, leaning forward on the table (the light above this table often swayed and the light bulb exploded above patron’s heads)

Manifestations in the building
  • N felt something stroke her arm while she walked down the stairs,
  • and another waitress nearly fell down the stairs after being “pushed”
  • The spirit entity was only on the top floor,
  • The name MARY was often heard or “felt” by staff members.
  • There had been incidents in the toilet where women felt exposed and vulnerable,
  • And a woman had seen a reflection of a woman outside the second storey window through the mirror.
  • The new owners of the restaurant are Christian, the gate to the parking lot closed and crushed the door of their car, never happened before.
  • Keys to the property going missing from the keyhole, appearing in the garden days later.
  • Staff cell phones taking, and sending, random photos to the manager’s whatsapp.
  • Phone upstairs ringing while the phone line downstairs is busy (one line) Dialling out signals heard by the two people busy on the phone - via the bottom phone while there is no one at the top.
The stairwell would not produce a clear photograph. The phone line was connected at the top and bottom of the stairs.

But Mary's companion betrays her to husband, whose decision to divorce Mary after a trial for adultery threatens them both with social disaster. In order to forestall this, Mary commits suicide.

“It is curious how little I remember of Mary's childhood. All that has happened between us since lies between that and my present self like some luminous impenetrable mist. I know we liked each other, that I was taller than she was and thought her legs unreasonably thin, and that once when I knelt by accident on a dead stick she had brought into an Indian camp we had made near the end of the west shrubbery, she flew at me in a sudden fury, smacked my face, scratched me and had to be suppressed, and was suppressed with extreme difficulty by the united manhood of us three elder boys. Then it was I noted first the blazing blueness of her eyes. She was light and very plucky, so that none of us cared to climb against her, and she was as difficult to hold as an eel. But all these traits and characteristics vanished when she was transformed.” [Pg 49]
In another text selection from the book itself it says

“Her eyes became black.”

I felt that the character Mary in the book, was based on the same character Mary – whose familiar was haunting this Restaurant. Her character was open to Tarot cards, I got the word Ouija Board, Fortunetelling.

My pastor

I was called on the Monday/Tuesday by a very tearful manager who said that the movement sensor cameras were filming at odd intervals at night, and that there were strange orbs being caught on the camera’s. The Barman J started acting very strangely and lying/stealing.
I returned to see what was going on, this was when I took a second set of photos which revealed a woman waving at the camera. I did a recording and prayed again and left.  N felt something stroke her arm while she walked down the stairs, and another waitress nearly fell down the stairs after being “pushed”. The new owners of the restaurant are Christian, the gate to the parking lot closed and crushed the door of their car, never happened before.

I emailed my pastor and her reply was:
“How powerful our Lord is! As I prayed for the situation I saw one large oval/ circle in the air over

some people- it is night time/dark and the circle is orangey, red- light/fire. It is a heavy picture. Not sure what the people are doing, but feels dark. There are cards involved. A lady is using the cards - one in charge-but it is not just her under the circle. I see a youngish couple there with her- the girl has dark/ black hair, but I think there might be others that come to this woman.”

The MARY character had very dark almost black hair. The rooms in this household had circles and ovals moulded in the ceiling, and there are fireplaces in the two rooms where there were manifestations, 

I returned to meet with the new prospective owners of the restaurant, but while I waited, J came up to us and told us that he had sat alone upstairs for an hour the night before and that nothing had happened, he then told A to do the same that night. He then told me that the prospective owners were not happy to meet me and felt that they could do the prayers on their own. He urged me to leave immediately. As I walked downstairs (feeling quite annoyed) the new owners arrived and were so excited to meet with me. (J lied)

After a positive meeting where I showed them the EVP’s and Photo’s we agreed to meet after the restaurant closed to do the prayers.

I arrived with F, and we went through the prayers – it was very quiet and calm, no manifesting or drama. We walked throughout the building and sanctified it with oil.

There was a LOT of activity in this building:
Dog barking (Demons make a sound like a medium pitched dog bark)
Antique telephone ringing
“Its been a while now…”
And a very dark sounding demonic speech pattern – not English 
(sounded like ancient eqyptian speech used by the Mummy character in “The Mummy”  action movie series.)
Kettle whistle of high pitched scream

(Click HERE to hear some of the EVP's listed below)

I managed to catch two very clear female forms on camera:

A female character also in period dress (wearing a white pinafore) waving at the camera – as if in a holiday snap.

Physical Manifestations in the subjects
Horror, Fear, Hysteria, Shaking, Fighting, Crying

Words that describe what is happening:
Dark, Evil, Heavy, Fear inducing, Intimidator

I have no way of doing a follow-up. I am not sure who is in ownership now, as the restaurant changed ownership and brand.


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