Electrical Anomalies: A Child Ghost?

So since January I have had little spirit children in the house. Shadows that flit and play, race down the passage, move things. Knock on doors. Mischief. No malice whatsoever.

Their activity increased when my ex moved out and my new partner moved in...

My favourite things that they do - and they only do this to me, or when I am there (others have witnessed it)

  • They turn on the xbox by touching the sensor. 
  • They cause the movie I'm watching to fast forward or rewind while I'm watching it, or if I pause a movie and leave the room, they will cause the movie to play the same 10 seconds over and over until I walk in - and then the movie will be paused where I left it. 
  • They knock on doors and peer inside. 
  • They run down the passage, or run from the kitchen to the passage door. 
  • They wake us up by saying "Wake up!"
  • They cry like living children in our room. 

The other day my 9 year old called from her Dad's house. My partner Jazz and I were in the carport doing our hair and I put the phone on speaker. She said:
"Hey Mum, I was just thinking about the spirit children in the house"
"mmm..ok? What about them?"
"Well, I think it's possible that they are my brothers Bear and Squish (Bear/Bjorn 2012 and Samuel 2014) but definitely not Heart (sister 2009) she's too sweet and soft. But the boys... they are a bit naughty like me and think it's them making you laugh and doing stuff"

As she said this my partner looked up at me shocked and said "Did you hear that?" and I said

We had heard children or a child running through our house along the wooden floor boards.


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