Medium Work: Marnie and Uncle George
In October I had the privilege of working with an acquaintance at the camp site that I visit a few times a year. She had reached out and asked for a session with me, to do a card reading.
I went with her and sat with her a while, drew 3 cards - all accurate to her situation - and then her Mum came through really powerfully. I saw her clearly and described her. She spoke very specific words to my friend that again were accurate - and left us both in tears.
Fast forward to June 2020 and I was once again camping there, I was sitting in front of my tent, painting, when in the distance I saw this same friend walking her dog.
All of a sudden an Aboriginal Man appeared in front of me, wearing an 80's style puffy blue windbreaker, with gorgeous floppy hair and a handsome cheeky grin.
He said, "Hello. Ask her about MARNIE. Ask how Marnie's going"
And I hissed "No. She will think I'm insane. NO. Another time!!" - I was nervous. I wasn't in a 'session' it was weird to just walk up to someone and say "hEy dO yOu kNoW a mArNiE?"
So he looked at me and sighed, then cocked his head and said "Well why dont'cha paint me then!" and vanished.
I was surprised. And disappointed in myself. And I promised that when I saw her again I'd ask.
The next day, we were packing to leave. And I saw her walk passed again. This time he appeared again very agitated and excited "ASK HER. ASK ABOUT MARNIE!" So said under my breath "FINE!" and walked towards her. My partner watching on discreetly from the folds of a half packed tent.
The conversation went something like this:
Friend "Hey Sandy"
Me "Hey Shaz... I was wondering, do you know anyone called Marnie? A friend or family member called Marnie?"
She looked at me quizzically and said "No,...not that I know of..."
I turned away "Oh ok. never mind then..." (dying of embarrassment)
"No wait, wait, hey. My sister's kid is Marnie. What about them?"
"Oh, wow. ok. Yes. So when you walked passed, this spirit came up and told me to tell you to ask about Marnie. How Marnie is doing."
"Oh wow. ok. ok... what did he look like?"
I described him in detail, hair, face, jacket, attitude and speech pattern.
"Aah that's my Uncle George"
"Oh really? wow. why is he in a big blue 80's puffy jacket?"
"Cos that's when he died."
"Oh. ok. Wow. So he really wants you to tell your sister to connect with her daughter. Give her a call and see if she is ok. Something is going on with Marnie"
"My sister can't call Marnie though"
"Oh, why?"
"Marnie died 8 years ago"
Just another day at the camp site!!
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