Poltergeist: Angry Ghost: The Glass Jar Attack

About a year ago, I was standing in my home office talking to my little girl, and I was nowhere near any of my furniture. As I was chatting with her, I folded my arms and we started to laugh about something, when suddenly we both heard a scraping sound, and a large 5lt glass bottle fell from the cupboard near to me, and it struck me from behind, on the back of my head.

Now I was standing nowhere near the cupboard, nowhere that it would be easy for the bottle to hit me, it was pushed. It was moved across the top of the cupboard and then thrown at the back of my head with some force.

I luckily have very very thick hair, and I often wear it on top of my head in a bun. If it weren't for my thick hair and my bun I would have had a very very serious concussion and possible head injury. As it was, the glass scraped my skin down the back of my neck and left scratches on my child and on my body. The glass bounced once on the carpet and then shattered into a million pieces. We were absolutely freaked out.
This is very similar to the dispenser and stand that was thrown at me.

I am absolutely positively sure that I was nowhere near the cupboard at the time that the bars fell onto my head. To be clear, it was between a 5 litre and 8 litre glass drink dispenser bottle on a small stand, that had been “pushed along the top of the cupboard - before being thrown at my head.

For weeks before this happened, I had been very aware of a strange presence in the house, I often saw a shadow person walking past me. I also often heard the sound of a small child in the apartment when I was alone (and the sound came from inside the apartment not from outside). I would feel hands touch mine in the stairway, and I also heard the voice of a little child in the stairway.

The Entity that caused this attack was not a friendly spirit.
We called our friends to come and help us, and they came and prayed with us and cleared the home. And we haven't had any horrible experiences since then, I haven't seen any shadow people, I haven't heard any children’s  voice in the house.
I have however been visited by some very friendly spirits, kind spirits connected to friends of mine, and they have given me some very specific messages to pass on to their loved ones, and those messages have been validated.

Take care everyone.

Southland Ghost Hunter xx


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